Your generous support will enable us to continue the care for our horses and fund our mission. Donate via PayPal or scroll down to use Venmo or Cash App.
With your NEIGHbor Sponsorship, you will receive our monthly newsletter and your name will appear on our Sponsors page
With your Stablehand Sponsorship, you will receive our monthly newsletter, your name will appear on our Sponsors page and you will receive a trading card of your sponsored horse
With your Trainer Sponsorship, you will receive our monthly newsletter, your name will appear on our Sponsors page, you will receive a trading card of your sponsored horse and your name will appear under your sponsored horses bio on the Sponsor a Horse page as a BRONZE SPONSOR
With your Wrangler Sponsorship, you will receive our monthly newsletter, your name will appear on our Sponsors page, you will receive a trading card of your sponsored horse and your name will appear under your sponsored horses bio on the Sponsor a Horse page as a SILVER SPONSOR - plus you will be granted special visiting rights for your sponsored horse
With your Jockey Sponsorship, you will receive our monthly newsletter, your name will appear on our Sponsors page, you will receive a trading card of your sponsored horse and your name will appear under your sponsored horses bio on the Sponsor a Horse page as a GOLD SPONSOR - plus you will be granted special visiting rights for your sponsored horse
With your Trainer Sponsorship, you will receive our monthly newsletter, your name will appear on our Sponsors page, you will receive a trading card of your sponsored horse and your name will appear under your sponsored horses bio on the Sponsor a Horse page as a PLATINUM SPONSOR - plus you will be granted special visiting rights for your sponsored horse
Donate to National Riding Stables Horse Rescue
Whether it be a one-time donation, a monthly sponsorship or a donation of needed supplies - there are many ways to donate to our horses. If you cannot adopt or sponsor a rescue horse, but would like to help make sure they have the best of care while being rehabilitated and retrained for adoption, you can still assist with a financial contribution.
Financial support of our mission is always appreciated and is – of course – tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations of all sizes – in either cash or kind – helps us provide our rescued horses with the very best of care while they are waiting for their permanent home. Whether small or large, your donation may be the difference in enabling us to rescue another distressed horse suffering from neglect, abuse, or shipment to a kill pen.
If you prefer to make a tangible donation you can check out our Amazon Wishlist here to ship us items we need. Or you can check out the list below of feed, hay, supplies and materials that we need. Some items, like hay and feed are needed year-around, while others like fly spray are seasonal. Most of these items can be bought at local feed/equestrian supply stores and dropped off to us by appointment. For larger supply expenses below, we rely on monetary donations to cover our regular maintenance costs.
Some of the things that monetary donations help us provide besides shelter are...
Equine Dentist
There are numerous ways that you can help and work with us to make a difference.